Google also revealed in statement on Friday that it will expand its services across hundred railway stations by this year and ultimately across 400 stations. The Railways Stations next to get this service are Allahabad, Patna, Jaipur and Ranchi. Earlier, Google said that WiFi will be free, thus there will be reduction of speed. So, in order to ensure that every user across Railway is getting free WiFi, Railway Ministry Services disclosed that the limit of surfing the free Internet will be up to hour. After 1 hour, you will be charged between R.s 25 to R.s 30 per hour. The free WiFi by Google will be accessible to the WiFi enabled devices. Google’s email statement also disclosed the process of logging into the network. While commenting on the launch, Chairman and Managing Director of RailTel, Shri RK Bhaguna, said that “Our aim was to implement the view of Indian Railways of providing high speed internet through our “Optical Fibre Network”. He further said that budget mobile phones have made possible for the people to know the power of internet.

How to setup free WiFi ?

Those who wish to access free WiFi Service will have to visit WiFi section in their device, after that you have to select Railwire Network and then you have to open their browser, they will redirect you to You will be asked to provide mobile number on the WiFi login screen and then press receive SMS. You will receive 4 Digit One Time Password (OTP) via SMS and after that you have to enter that OTP at the WiFi login screen and click done. After that you will be shown check mark which will certify that user is connected to WiFi. So, this was all about the launch of free WiFi service in India after Google made partnership with RailTel which is owning optical fiber network. We hope that you enjoyed this list, feel free to comment your opinions in comment section.

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